Monday, March 06, 2006

"State teachers go private for own"

One of the problems facing parents in my electorate is the vast size of the major state secondary school. It has a roll of 1800. Many parents have no choice but to send their children to this school even when it doesn't suit their child's needs. Fortunately we could afford to 'pay twice' to get one child into an independent school with a small roll. The people who work there have their own children enrolled - unlike many teachers in the UK state system, who have been sharing their contempt for state schools and intentions to avoid them if at all possible;

STATE school teachers have admitted they are planning to educate their children in independent schools rather than send them to the comprehensives allocated by their local councils.

Teachers contributing to an education website last week complained of being made to “lump it” with “bottom of the league” schools where drugs and bullying were rife.

Alan Smithers, professor of education at Buckingham University, said he was concerned by the entries on the TES website, which is mainly used by state school teachers.

“Teachers know the school system best,” said Smithers. “If they are thinking it is not good enough for their children, that is an indication that something must be seriously wrong.”

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